I use my creativity to connect with people and unlock resources for community building.

Current Work

Chicago Public Schools

While coaching flag football, the kids introduced me to my wife. She connected me to working with students with special needs. Witnessing them apply the skills I've helped refine gives purpose to my experiences and inspiration to my creativity.

Guru Gulu Art

I’m a fine art portrait painter inspired by human beings. I explore faces and figures through use of acrylic paint, inks, pallet knives, molding paste, gilding wax and gold leaf.

Palette Clash

I created Palette Clash as a dynamic live performance allowing the audience to see in real time how four artists use unique styles to paint their interpretation of a live model onto canvas in four hours.


My mom shaped my artistic abilities from childhood. Despite our struggles, my mom stuck with her creative pursuits gifting me through her actions: dedication, perseverance, and gratitude. This led to my own creative pursuits along with fostering a classroom of students with special needs.

My Tool Box

  • I specialize in large scale canvas portraits. My interpretation of human figure and faces are designed to provoke emotion and action. I excel creating custom commissions that tell a story.

  • I search for avenues in education. Often my approach is creative and always hands on.

  • I excel at developing students potential both in sports and in life.